Wednesday, August 22, 2012

39w2d appt. and u/s

So u/s went well.  Baby B is measuring 8lbs 8oz!
Then I saw my OB.  Long story short, I am 5 cm dilated!  WTH?  However, we all know that is means nothing and I could be pregnant forever (ok not really).  We decided to schedule a c-section for Thursday (8/23/12) and just hope that Baby B decided to join us sooner so I can still try for my VBAC.
Seeing as I am now writing this post on 8/22, things aren't looking too good for my VBAC attempt and are looking more like a repeat c-section.  This made me a little sad this morning when I woke up and realized I wasn't in labor.  I started to come up with the "pros" of having a c-section...
1.  No one has to look at my lady parts/hemorrhoids
2.  My lady part remain just a destroyed as they are today
3.  I know when I am going to drop ds off with my mom
4.  I get 2 more weeks paid off of work
5.  I will not have an emergency c-section and therefore will be awake when Baby B is born

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