Saturday, June 28, 2014

14 weeks (6.5 years ago, 2 years ago and now)

14 weeks

How far along:  14 weeks
How big is baby:  a lemon
Average size: 3.4 inches, 1.5 oz.
Sleep:  still ok
Movement:  Nothing yet
Food cravings:  Liking food again.  Pretty much liking the regular stuff though
Food aversions:  fish mostly
Gender:  Who knows????
Symptoms:  Nothing really.  Twinges here and there.  Some headaches
What do I miss:  Not worrying about the baby
Best moment of the week:  We went to seabreeze yesterday and the boys had a great time!
What I'm looking forward to:  finding out the sex on july 31st
Milestones:  officially 2nd tri
Maternity clothes:  Finally broke out a pair of pants for work.  Ahhhhh
Weight gain:  -6lbs (146lbs)

Monday, June 23, 2014

13 weeks (again!)

So, I went to see my OB last week and she said..."you know how the u/s place changed your due date???  Well we are just going to keep the original".  So that's that!  I'm sticking with 12/27.  Which makes me 13w2d today.
The appt. went well and she gave me an order to go get another u/s this week (13w5d) for my 1st cervical length check.
Other than news to report (which is good right?)

How far along:  13 weeks
How big is baby:  length ~ 3 in  |  7.6 cm     weight ~ 1 oz  |  28 g
Sleep:  Off and on sleepiness.  Probably doesn't help when I go to bed too late!
Movement:  Nothing yet
Food cravings:  Feeling better and enjoying food again.  Had my 1st egg salad sandwich today and it was awesome!!
Food aversions:  fish mostly
Gender:  Who knows????
Symptoms:  Nothing really.  Twinges here and there
What do I miss:  Running hard
Best moment of the week:  School is over this week!  Let summer begin!
What I'm looking forward to:  u/s in a few days
Milestones:  start of 2nd tri!
Maternity clothes:  Not yet, but getting close with the pants.
Weight gain:  -5lbs (147lbs)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

12 weeks/13 weeks actually marks 13 weeks!
I had my NT scan yesterday and they changed my due date to Dec 23rd (4 days sooner).
The scan went well even though baby was being a little difficult for measurements.  We didn't really get any good pics, but got to hear the heartbeat and see him/her wiggle around.
I "came out" on facebook yesterday with this announcement...
Here is my "12 week" pic (even though it was actually 12w5d)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

11 weeks!

How far along:  11 weeks
How big is baby:  Your wee baby is now comparable in size to a plum
Sleep:  Pretty sleepy...still taking a nap almost daily
Movement:  Nothing yet
Food cravings:  Finally having somewhat of an appetite this past week.  No real craving
Food aversions:  I am less grossed out by food this week
Gender:  Who knows????
Symptoms:  Feeling better this past week.  No real symptoms
What do I miss:  Eating
Best moment of the week:  Having some beautiful weather
What I'm looking forward to:  u/s and appt. in 1.5 weeks
Milestones:  Almost to the 2nd trimester!
Maternity clothes:  Not yet, but getting close with the pants.
Weight gain:  -8lbs (144lbs)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Pregnant Racing

So far I've done 3 races since becoming pregnant and all of them have gone extremely well!
 5 weeks
9 weeks
10 weeks