Saturday, March 17, 2012

17 weeks!

How far along: 17 weeks

How big is baby:   Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom.  (Although baby was actually measuring at 6 oz, 5 days ago!)
Sleep:  Getting a little less sleepy...A LITTLE!
Movement:  Finally started feeling flutters.  Still can't feel it from the outside.  Started feeling them around 16w2d.
Food cravings: I really wanted a fried bologna sandwich and finally made myself one for lunch yesterday.  It was really good!
Food adversions: Nothing specific right now
Gender: I am 95% sure it is a girl.  We will have to wait 9 more days to find out (hopefully!)
Symptoms:  sore back occasionally
What do I miss: Nothing...not much has changed
Best moment of the week:  Although we couldn't find out the sex, we did get to see the jumping and wiggling little baby a lot on the u/s.  Plus, I like feeling the flutters.
What I'm looking forward to: u/s at 18w2d (hopefully finding out the sex!  take 2)
Milestones: Almost to 4 months!
Maternity clothes: I have still quit with the maternity pants for now. They are too big. I have been wearing my regular pants with the hair tie and a bella band.
Weight gain: -1 lbs

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