Saturday, February 25, 2012

14 weeks

Week 13 went by without a hitch!  On to week 14.  I have an u/s at 14w2d to check cervical length and an OB appt. at 14w3d.

The 14 week info:

How far along:  14 weeks
How big is baby:  From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces

Sleep:  Finding it difficult to stay awake long enough at night to see DH come home from work
Movement:  Nothing yet
Food cravings:  I saw a show last night that talked about chocolate covered pretzels.  I decided that is my goal today....I need some
Food adversions:  I am less grossed out by food this week
Gender:  Who knows????
Symptoms:  Feeling pretty good, other than bloated.
What do I miss:  Nothing!
Best moment of the week:  Making it to 14 weeks
What I'm looking forward to:  u/s and appt. this week
Milestones:  I'm in the 2nd trimester!
Maternity clothes:  I wore maternity pants to work twice this week.  I borrowed some from a friend and the one pair was excellent...the other pair smooshed me too much.
Weight gain:  -2lbs
And for the weekly photo....

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