Saturday, June 30, 2012

32 weeks!

How far along: 32 weeks

How big is baby:    By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus.

Sleep:    Sleep has been decent.  Can't really complain.

Movement:   Very active!

Food cravings:  nothing really...haven't been very hungry, but if I had to pick something I'd say Oreos.

Food adversions: none specifically

Gender: It's still a BOY!!

Symptoms: Heartburn is back, but the Zantac helps

What do I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, regular clothes, working out, being able to take medicine without feeling guilty

Best moment of the week:   Not exactly the best moment, but I'll go with the most memorable.  On Thursday I got called into an office at work and was told my position was eliminated.  I had just hit my 4 year anniversary of working there.  However, they did have another position for me in a different hospital.  I consider myself lucky since 42 positions were cut and only 4 were able to be reassigned to other positions.

What I'm looking forward to:   Summer fun, DS started T-ball

Milestones:  "I'm due next month"

Maternity clothes: Maternity pants/shorts all the way!

Weight gain: +12 lbs (-1 lb from last week)

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