Wednesday, June 22, 2011

DH has joined the crazy side as well...

Well this is a story about last cycle, but one I thought I would blog about anyway.  I have always tried not to POAS too early or frequently.  This past cycle I decided to start POAS at 11dpiui and continued on through until 14dpiui.

Then it finally happened.  I for one, dug through the trash to retrieve the pee stick from earlier in the day to double (ok, maybe a little more than double) check to make sure it was really a BFN.  DH didn't laugh at me or give me the side eye.  I think he actually wanted to make sure it was a BFN as well.  Finally, I got someone else to join in my crazy IF thought process.  Then, at 12dpiui I POAS and stared (and stared some more), then brought it downstairs (you know for some different lighting).  I asked DH to look at my pee stick because I started to see a line appear (the magical know, if you stare long enough one will appear).  You had to be exactly 12 inches from the stick and hold it against a white piece of paper and use sunlight (not the normal house lighting).  Then it happened....DH saw the line too.  I was totally expecting a good dose of reality when DH would check out my BFN pee stick and say "well maybe something will be there tomorrow, but it's not there now".  But it didn't happen.  In a way it made me so happy to see how much DH wanted that line to be there too, but also sad for the same reason.

I also didn't throw away my pee sticks for four days straight and DH wasn't grossed out.  I love him!

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