Saturday, May 24, 2014

8 week 4 days OB appt.

The OB appt. went well!
We discussed several things.  First, I asked if I could try for VBA2C.  The answer was basically no.  She said the risk of rupture after a 2nd section was 5-7x higher than after just one.  Although I've always wanted to have a VB, I don't think it is worth the risk this time around (plus, I'm getting my tubes tied after this one).
Secondly, we talked about C-section date.  She said, so how's Dec 22nd.  I!!!  She kind of laughed and asked why??  I told her that I'd like to wait 'til after Christmas if possible.  She told me I was one of the only people who ever asked to have a C-section AFTER their due date.  As of now, it is scheduled for Dec 29th.  If I go into labor before, obviously I will have the baby then!
Third, we discussed my upset stomach.  She said sometimes heartburn can cause diarrhea.  She suggested I take the Zantac everyday, instead of as needed.  I have been doing so and it seems to have helped a bit, but still having some stomach issues.
Forth topic was racing!  I had mentioned that I did a 5K at 5 weeks, had another one at 9 weeks and 10 weeks.  She had no problems with this.  Then we talked about Tough Mudder (16 weeks).  She thinks it is ok for me to do if I skip the obstacles.  I agree and plan on doing it unless I don't feel well or the weather is too hot/cold, etc.
Next appt. is at 12 weeks right after 1st tri screening/u/s.

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