Tuesday, April 22, 2014

For Realz?

Soooooo.  I'm 4w3d today.  Crazy right?  Took only 10 cycles of trying this time.  We were giving it 'til the end of summer to work out or DH was going to get a vasectomy. 
I got a BFP at 12 DPO.  Beta at 13DPO was 360.  Got the call today that my 15 DPO beta was 875, which is awesome.  My thyroid is still low so they doubled my dose of synthroid.
I'm going for an u/s with my RE on May 8th (6w5d).  Excited, nervous...you know the drill.
How did I get pregnant this time?  I don't even really know.  I had a HSG on April 1st and ovulated on April 5th....could that have been it?  Or could it have been the synthroid that I started?  Both?  Either way, I will take it.  This will be our last one.

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