Thursday, December 18, 2014

Offical guesses for baby weight and height!

Mom - 7lbs 14oz, 20.5 in
Dad - 7lbs 2oz,  19.5 in
Grandma - 7lbs 1oz, 20.5 in

Saturday, December 13, 2014

38 weeks

How far along: 38 weeks

How big is baby:    She weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek).

Sleep: Ehhhh....Still waking up throughout the night

Movement: Still a crazy mover

Food cravings: Mighty Taco, Apples

Food aversions: none specifically

Gender: It's still a girl!!

Symptoms: Heartburn is bad (even with Protonix).  Contractions, etc.  Still 1-2 cm.

What do I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, regular clothes, working out, being able to take medicine without feeling guilty, fully caffeinated drinks, whitening my teeth

Best moment of the week:  Got our new minivan yesterday!!!

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my new baby (and never being pregnant again....which I know I will regret saying once I am not pregnant anymore)

Milestones:  Only 2 weeks left until my due date!  Baby will be here in at least 9 days if not sooner!

Maternity clothes: Pants at work, still wearing my regular shirts, but I have to make sure they are long enough.

Weight gain: +11 lbs (163lbs)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

37 weeks

How far along: 37 weeks

How big is baby:    Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard)

Sleep: Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not.  No more naps sadly since B gave them up :-(

Movement: Still a crazy mover

Food cravings:  Mighty Taco and Apples

Food aversions: none specifically

Gender: It's still a GIRL!!

Symptoms: Heartburn BAD, shortness of breath, kind of crampy, BH contractions

What do I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, regular clothes, working out, being able to take medicine without feeling guilty, fully caffeinated drinks, wanting to eat food, whiten my teeth

Best moment of the week:  We went to a Knighthawks game last night (B's 1st time).  Both boys were very good and had a great time.

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my new baby...2 weeks!

Milestones: 37 weeks = "full term".  At 36w5d I was 1-2cm and 80%.

Maternity clothes: Pants at work, still wearing my regular shirts, but I have to make sure they are long enough.

Weight gain: +13 lbs (165lbs)


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

36 weeks

How far along: 36 weeks

How big is baby:    Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. 

Sleep:     Uncomfortable, having contractions during the night which are annoying

Movement: Wiggle worm

Food cravings:  Mighty Taco

Food aversions: none specifically

Gender: It's still a girl!!

Symptoms:  Heartburn, shortness or breath, lots of pressure, kind of crampy.  At 35 weeks I was checked and said to be 1 cm and 70%.

What do I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, regular clothes, working out, being able to take medicine without feeling guilty, fully caffeinated drinks

Best moment of the week:  I am off for the next 4 days!

What I'm looking forward to:  Christmas

Milestones: I'm due this month!

Maternity clothes:   Pants at work, still wearing my regular shirts, but I have to make sure they are long enough and wear the belly band thing

Weight gain: +10 lbs (162lbs)

Monday, November 24, 2014

35 weeks

How far along: 35 weeks
How big is baby:    Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon).

Sleep:     Sleeping has become more difficult.  Uncomfortable and waking up.

Movement: She's a mover

Food cravings:  Zebra cakes, milkshakes, apples

Food aversions: none specifically

Gender: It's still a girl!!

Symptoms:  Had an eventful day yesterday.  Spent 8 hours in the ED.  I woke up at 2am with extreme pain in my shoulder and ribs on the right side.  I was worried that I was having gall stones.  The on call dr was worried I might have a PE.  I had to get a chest x-ray, ultrasound of kidneys, gallbladder, liver and legs (DVT).  I then had an elevated blood level which was a marker for PE so I had to have a VQ scan.  I feel better than I did, but still not 100%

What do I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, regular clothes, working out, being able to take medicine without feeling guilty, fully caffeinated drinks

Best moment of the week:  DH had 4 days off in a row

What I'm looking forward to:  Baby born in 4 weeks!

Milestones: I'm 35 weeks which means only 35 days left until my due date!

Maternity clothes:  Maternity pants for sure.

Weight gain: +11 lbs (163lbs)


Sunday, November 16, 2014

34 weeks

How far along: 34 weeks

How big is baby:    Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long

Sleep:   Must sleep with body pillow, or can't sleep at all.  Some nights I have a sore back and toss and turn a lot.

Movement: Very active...sometimes it even hurts

Food cravings:    I still love the Sonic Java Chillers and apple slices

Food aversions: none specifically

Gender: It's still a girl!!

Symptoms: Heartburn is somewhat under control with protonix.  Sore back, short of breath.

What do I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, regular clothes, working out, fully caffeinated drinks

Best moment of the week:     Brad's done with 2 weeks of training so he is home earlier than 5/5:30pm

What I'm looking forward to: Paintnite tonight with Dawn

Milestones: Only 3 more weeks until I am "full term"

Maternity clothes: Maternity pants and jeans.  A shirt here and there.

Weight gain: +9 lbs (161 lbs)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

33 weeks

How far along: 33 weeks

How big is baby:    This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark.

Sleep: Sleep has been ok.  Sometimes better than others.

Movement: Very active...sometimes it even hurts

Food cravings:   Sonic Java Chiller

Food aversions: none specifically
Gender: It's still a girl!!

Symptoms:  Heartburn, out of breath, feeling squished from the inside

What do I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, regular clothes, working out, being able to take medicine without feeling guilty, fully caffeinated drinks

Best moment of the week:   My parents came home from their 3.5 week vacation.

What I'm looking forward to:     Nothing specific this week

Milestones:   Only 4 more weeks until I am "full term"

Maternity clothes:   Maternity pants at work.  Wore a maternity shirt today.
Weight gain: +10 lbs (162 lbs)